Sat Nav
Please use this postcode for Sat Nav directions to Milton Abbas DT11 0BP and follow parking directions when you arrive. Parking stewards will be located at the top and bottom of the village.
Accessibility Parking
For any visitors requiring assistance and for accessibility parking, please note that, for your convenience, you will be directed to park at the lower end of The Street. Visitors are reminded that Milton Abbas is on a slope so please plan accordingly. For any visitors arriving by coach, drop off will be at the top end of The Street and pick up at the lower end of The Street.
Contact Us
2025 Chair – Mark:
Treasurer – Debbie: MASFTreasurer@gmail.
Secretary – Annie:
Operations – Baz:
Stalls – Paula:
PR- Carl:
Hospitality – Richard: MASFHospitality@gmail.
Historic Street Fair Memories: